Designing Projects That Educate Next-Gen Workforce Designing Projects That Educate Next-Gen Workforce
Delivering Impactful Projects That Are The Antithesis Of Mundane
Supplying Cities With Wastewater Treatment Options For Now And The Future Supplying Cities With Wastewater Treatment Options For Now And The Future Revitalizing Historic Districts Through
Strategic Design
Designing Sites To House Buildings Where Remarkable Human Experiences Happen
Delivering Impactful Projects That Are Key To The Region's Economic Growth
Living And Breathing Communities Created Through Design
Creating Cohesive Justice Campuses With Centralized Parks
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Shaping the region through
thoughtfully designed projects

It's what we do.

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A vision united

Celebrating over six decades of designing projects in and for the Southeast’s communities.

Who we are

We exist to design and deliver impactful projects that are key to the economic growth of an entire region – projects that are the antithesis of mundane. From projects for Georgia Ports Authority and Hyundai Motor Group Metaplant America to the infrastructure, housing, education and healthcare facilities necessary to support these projects and for communities to flourish, this is the firm that gets it done (and has been getting it done since 1958).

What we do

Our team of design professionals cater to clientele in the commercial and residential, education, government, healthcare, industrial, transportation and water market sectors. From engineering, architecture and surveying to construction phase services, we have you covered.

Our impact

Now the fastest growing region in the country, we’ve long served the needs of the Southeast by planning and designing projects that impact everything from transportation and housing to manufacturing and entertainment. The past 60 years our professionals have spent planning and designing projects that have provided the pathway for our region to flourish. From Georgia and South Carolina to Tennessee and Kentucky our professionals work tirelessly to deliver projects for the region’s powerhouses – from Hyundai Motor Group and Georgia Ports Authority to Raydient Places + Properties, industrial developers, school systems and local governments.