Broad Street Improvements
Augusta, GA
This high-profile project consists of streetscape and pedestrian improvements and resurfacing of Broad Street from West of Milledge Road to East Boundary Street. The project is 100% Transportation Investment Act (TIA) funded urban corridor streetscape and pedestrian facility improvement project. Scope includes new sidewalks, specialty paving at intersection corners with new handicap ramps, pedestrian crosswalks, drainage improvements including storm sewer system, reconstruction of the existing curb and gutter, resurfacing and restriping, on-street parking, streetscape and street lighting. The outcome will revitalize downtown and encourage walkable, pedestrian-friendly environments, creating a Complete Street that balances the needs of motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and transit users along with a diversity of civic spaces, neighborhoods and businesses. This project would benefit the public by potentially reducing the incidence of crashes along this roadway segment, corridor and intersection.